Für den in der Nachtschicht, zu singen nach der Weise „Nightshift“ von den Commodores.
Berge (Berge), you were a friend of mine
And you could snipe the heads
Of three men in a lineBerge (Berge), he often caused me pain
Now we play all alone
Beat up by Make-My-DayTeamspeak to me, so you can see, what’s goin‘ on
Say you will join our ranks to kill s’more, kill s’moreGonna be some sweet sounds
Comin‘ down, on the nightshift
I bet you’re sitting there
Oh, I’ll bet you save a prayer
Gonna be a long night, it’s gonna be alright, on the nightshift
You found another home,
I know you’re not alone, on the nightshift, oooh
One day you’ll play again,
Connect to the server then, on the nightshiftBerge, oooh, hey what you doing now
It seems like yesterday, when we were camping out
Berge, oh, you set the world on fire
Your flashbangs blinded us
Your stats kept rising up, higher and higher
Keep it up, and we’ll be there, at your side
Oh, say you will, shoot your colt
For evermore, evermore, evermore
Das Original findet man hier.
Gleich fang ich an zu weinen. Aber wir sehen uns ja am Wochenende wieder.
P.S.: Ist wohl auch eher eine night watch als eine night shift. Aber ich will mal nicht weiter kritisieren.